Sunday, February 6, 2011

Things She Loves About Platteville: Driftless Market

She lives in a town called Platteville, nestled in the wild, hilly driftless region of Wisconsin. Platteville is a city on the fringes, straddling the highway between Madison and Dubuque, just large enough to host a university, and small enough to walk across town in an less than an hour. Here, she is listing some of her most favorite places in the city. The first item on the list: The Driftless Market.


The Driftless Market is a fantastic place, especially if you're into healthy, fresh, local food. The store's numerous wares change seasonally, as they are supplied by local gardens and farms. Driftless Market features a small eatery and deli, where one can stop in for a quick lunch, a general store, and a miniature art exhibit, featuring the work of, you've guessed it, delightfully local artists and sculptors (this area of the state is a hotbed for artsy communes!).

One of her most favorite facets of the Driftless Market is the fact that they carry alternative food. You see, she's one of those distastefully liberal vegetarians. Driftless Market, however, comes heroically to her aid, with plenty of organic tofu, tempeh, and homemade walnut burgers. Even if you're not a vegetarian, Driftless is worth the visit. The small selection of meat offered is free-range and organic, and, unsurprisingly, locally raised.

Another great part about the market? No plastic allowed! That's right! The store has a loosely-enforced BYOB (Bring your own bag) policy, limiting the number of plastic and paper bags distributed. And if you forget your bag, not to worry! They're often more than happy to lend you a small tote bag to carry your groceries home in.

You can visit their site here.

Up next: Badger Brothers Coffee