Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Plattecon: Loot Acquired

Plattecon 2011 was this weekend. She got to sit at a wee little booth and draw pictures for money and sell paintings and such. She made a good deal of money--and acquired some fantastic loot along the way!

She acquired...


A Dungeons and Dragons pamphlet about her character's race, the Dragonborn!



Two Lord of the Rings games--"The Duel" and "The Search"!


A chainmail bracelet!

It was a successful weekend, don't you agree?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Coffee, Clay

Oh gosh, she's been terribly busy. But what's new in that? She always seems to find herself busy, regardless of the time of year.

Here, as promised, is the next in her Favorite Places series, and here she'd like to feature the one and only Badger Brothers Coffee , located just down main street in Platteville! The BBC is a perfect place to stop for a scone, spot of tea, fancy caffeinated beverage, or simple cup of coffee. Luckily, the coffee shop is located just a block from her apartment, and just about two blocks from campus, making it the ideal place to study then pack up and hurry to class!


She paused there briefly last week to study for an exam, greeted with a cup of warm vanilla rooibas tea and a chocolate chip scone!

Did she mention that she's confronting her fears about sculpture? Now, we know her to be an artist favoring the two-dimensional. She prefers to draw and paint rather than sculpt. But fears, begone! She's trying her hand at sculpting again, and has a few works-in-progress worthy of showing.


This is based on a painting, done in the 1790s, of Shiva and Lakshmi riding upon the great eagle, Garuda.


She's designing a lesson plan for a high school art history class. This plaque will eventually be painted on in the style of ancient Greek vase painting.


And here it is, her magnum opus of the past few weeks! She needs to get a more up-to-date photo on this one, but here's an in-progress look at her dragon! He's yet toothless.