This massive overhaul is one of obsession.
You see, a few years ago, she had a dream.
She envisioned a sleeping woods, an army of dark, silent trees that whispered amongst themselves as she passed. She came to the center--to the largest tree, and in a grand chorus of all the earth's voices, the tree came to life. A hundred sparkling doors and windows flung open, beams of light cutting in every direction. And inside the tree, scenes of the universe dwell. She saw what had been, what was, and what could be.
This is the nature of the door tree, that is, to show, to tell. To prompt inquiry and thought.
This blog mimics the nature of the door tree, and here, you shall see bits and pieces of her life.
So, delicate watchers, take heed and notice the changed title, the new url, if you should wish to follow this blog henceforth.
A thousand illuminated promises,
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