These are fantasy novels, set in the middle of the empire called Aurelia. Aurelia lies on the brink of destruction, for a royal bastard, hungry for the throne and title of emperor, has aligned with the barbarians to the north. They are partially his kinsmen, and he plots to overthrow his father and his empress regent sister. Unexpectedly, his 'dead' brother has returned to thwart his plan. Called Kerric in the common tongue but known as the dead son Ambrosius, he was Called to the magickal Mountain long ago to be a First Rider, or one who spins out the future on the back of the stallion gods. He defied his right to the throne to become a Rider, and thus is called 'dead'. With the aid of the first female Rider, Valeria, he follows his brother wherever he goes with the intent of restoring the very empire he's been exiled from.
She will admit, she's been enjoying the books. They're a lighter read. Anything can be lighter after a summer of The Count of Monte Cristo! They're somewhat passively written, and she has no taste for passive writing. The characters are at times unbelievable and out-of-character, but nevertheless, the enthralling fantasy plot and workings of horse magick keep the books interesting. She sincerely looks forward to the final installment of the White Magic Series.
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