Early morning coffee, right at my fingertips, and a coffee shop right down the road!
My very own bed! I miss having a space to sleep all my own. It's so difficult to conform to other's sleeping and waking habits, so this should be a peaceful transition.
Cooking! Yes, now off-campus, I'll be fending for myself as of food. I can see this as a good thing and a bad thing. For one, I'll be forced to cook for myself. But the off set? I am a cross country runner with a huge schedule and an even huger appetite! I need to work hard to keep my nutritional needs in tact. This also means my food should be 100% vegan, ie, without animal products. Again, a bit of a challenge, but there's a lovely vegan food market just down the street, so I'll probably be a usual there!
Music time! Oh, yeah! We're talking techno time! I love dressing up in silly clothes and dancing around my house--and now I have an apartment for all my shinanigans!
Time to myself. I'll be living alone, so this should come in plenty. Granted I'm interacting with people all day long, and it's nice to have some down time.
Time for others. I don't need to play to anyone else's [except my landlord's!] rules anymore, and I can invite over who I please! PS2 and coffee party, anyone? Guests from back home also have a free place to stay if they plan on visiting, and myself and my boyfriend can have some time to ourselves as well.
What are some other advantages of living on one's own?
You, me, apartment eight.